
Showing posts from April, 2018

Infinity War Primer: What You (Might) Need to Know

It's a bit of an understatement to say that nobody could have foreseen how big the Marvel Cinematic Universe would actually be when Iron Man was released over a decade ago. More than a dozen films and literally millions of dollars later, the entire franchise became a pop-culture juggernaut, taking the superhero genre to all-new heights not seen since.  Chalk it up to many a factor which I'm not going to list down because individuals and writers far better than me have done those points justice, but if I had to single out one aspect behind the MCU's success, it probably had to be the crossover appeal. Yes, we've seen the Avengers do battle in different mediums, but when their titular movie dropped in 2012, it was a gamble, but one which payed off immensely.  Up to that point, heroes have rarely joined forces with each other despite such a trope being very commonplace in comics, cartoons and video games. The MCU brought that to the silver screen for the first time,