DEATH BATTLE Prediction - Absolute Zero: Mitsuru Kirijo vs. Jin Kisaragi

To anyone who's reading this, welcome to my first ever DB blog! I've been itching to write a few battles for quite some time, but held off for one reason or another. Now, I've decided to (hopefully) start this up as a hobby of mine with a fight that I've wanted to do for a while now (*begins to pray that I don't botch this*)

These two heroes are as cold as the ice they can control, minds as sharp as their blades and resolves as strong as the power they both wield. When push comes to shove, only one of these warriors can come out on top: Mitsuru Kirijo, the Imperious Queen of Executions and Jin Kisaragi, the Hero of Ikaruga.

I do wanna give a shout-out to the very first wishlist the Official Death Battle Fan Blog did, which featured this fight as one suggestion. I love both the BlazBlue and Persona series, having gotten into them within months of each other, and hope this blog does both of them justice.


Mitsuru Kirijo

Mitsuru Kirijo render

"But now I have something to live for. No longer will I run from the future! I will face it head on, carrying out my father's will! I am resolved and without reservation."
  • First Appearance: Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 (2006, Atlus)
  • Birthday: May 18
  • Age: 20
  • Origin: Japan
  • Occupation: Kirijo Group CEO, Leader of Shadow Operatives
  • Weapon of Choice: Rapier
  • Persona: Artemisia (Empress Arcana)
Mitsuru was born as the only child of Takeharu and Hanae Kirijo, destined to inherit the Kirijo Group from the day she was born. As a child, she showed signs of great promise, excelling in both her academics and extra curricular activities, as well as a lot of interest in the day-to-day affairs of the Kirijo Group. 

She soon learned that the company and her family had a secret they intended to atone for: they were responsible for the creation of the Dark Hour, a hidden 25th hour of the day between midnight and 12:01 A.M. where creatures called Shadows roam the streets and prey on humans. The Kirijo Group developed an interest in Shadows because of their time and space-altering properties, leading to their various experiments and eventually learning of The Fall, the apparent end of the world where Death itself descends upon humanity. When one of the researchers opposed this, he halted the experiments, fragmenting Death into 13 larger Shadows while the other captive ones went berserk, creating the Dark Hour. Mitsuru believed that she needed to help her father atone, and soon awakened to her Persona Penthesilea when she witnessed him being attacked during an expedition.

As a high school student in Gekkokuan High, Mitsuru created a club called the Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad, where Persona users investigate the Dark Hour and fight against the Shadow threat. She fought alongside batchmates Akihiko Sanada and Shinjiro Aragaki, while maintaining her status as an honor student and a member of the fencing club. Underclassmen Makoto Yuuki, Yukari Takeba, Junpei Iori and Fuuka Yamagishi would later join up, alongside the anti-Shadow android Aigis, middle school student Ken Amada and a Persona-wielding dog named Koromaru. While fulfilling the role of a mother figure of sorts, Mitsuru would hold off on informing her allies about the true nature of their mission, fearing their reactions and believing that the knowledge behind the Dark Hour makes it her cross to carry. Despite which, she grew to open up to them as friends as they vanquished the Arcana Shadows separated from Death.

After the defeat of the last one, S.E.E.S is shocked to learn that their quest has been for naught; they were betrayed by their club supervisor Shuji Ikutsuki, who had intended to bring about The Fall by fooling S.E.E.S into reuniting the Arcana Shadows with Death by defeating them. During Ikutsuki's betrayal, Takeharu is killed, leaving Mitsuru to mourn and temporarily lose her resolve. However, a conversation with Yukari reawakens her drive to fight, transforming her Persona into Artemisia.

Mitsuru later made the call to stand alongside her friends in confronting Death's avatar, Nyx. In spite of all their efforts, S.E.E.S. only succeeds in defeating Nyx when Makoto sacrifices himself to seal Nyx off from humanity; his friends soon lose their memories of him but remember just in time to watch him peacefully pass away on graduation day.

After graduation, Mitsuru would soon take the reigns of the Kirijo Group as she entered university, mingling along with the elites of society as she continued her crusade against the Shadows by creating a task force of Persona users called the Shadow Operatives.

During the Golden Week of 2012, the Shadow Operatives were dragged into a plot by the deity Hi-no-Kagutsuchi, the representation of those who wish to discard all bonds and live only for themselves, to destroy the world.

Jin Kisaragi

"Give up? You have got to be joking. I've already given up on life... on the world. But I've decided to cast aside apathy and fight... not only against this so-called 'order,' but against the world!"
  • First Appearance: BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger (2008, Arc System Works)
  • Birthday: February 14
  • Age: Mid-20s
  • Origin: United Kingdom
  • Occupation: Major - Novus Orbis Librarium
  • Weapon of Choice: Nox Nyctores - Mucro Algesco: Yukianesa
  • Drive: Frost Bite
As a child, Jin and his siblings Ragna and Saya were taken in an orphanage run by Celica A. Mercury. While his early childhood seemed relatively normal, he grew jealous of the amount of time Ragna had spent with Saya over him. This would come to a head when Saya was tasked with giving Jin the Nox Nyctores Yukianesa, which promptly took a toll on his mental stability. This was all a ploy by the devious spirit Yuuki Terumi, who proceeded to ruin the siblings' lives by burning down the orphanage, slicing Ragna's left arm off, kidnapping Saya while misleading the brothers into believing she died, and wiping out Jin's memories, simply leaving him to believe that he was driven by a desire to kill Ragna. Jin was soon adopted by the Kisaragi family, one of the families closely affiliated with the world's reigning government, the Novus Orbis Librarium or the Library. He would grow up alongside Tsubaki Yayoi, and the two would treat each other as close friends.

Jin's time in the NOL academy saw him earn many achievements and awards, and he graduated with top honors. He soon entered the Ikaruga Civil War, and ended it for the Librarium by assassinating Ikaruga's leader, Lord Tenjo. This would earn him the rank of Major and the title of "Hero of Ikaruga."

Sometime after the war, Jin received word that Ragna, now an SS-Class criminal wanted for destroying Librarium compounds, is headed for the 13th Hierarchical City of Kagutsuchi. Ignoring orders to not interfere, Jin traveled to the city to kill Ragna, driven by his psychosis. His secretary, Lieutenant Noel Vermillion, is ordered to return him back to headquarters. Jin finally comes face-to-face with his brother in the Kagutsuchi base, but is handily defeated.

Upon waking up, Jin found himself in custody of the NOL for disobedience. He escaped and defected, intent on finding Ragna and learning more behind his capture. A chance encounter with his brother reveals that he houses the Power of Order, a hidden energy within him, and is encouraged by Ragna to break free of the mental control Yukianesa has over him. With this, Jin manages to finally gain true control over his weapon. The brothers discover that Terumi had manipulated the events behind their childhood and the mastermind behind his plans was Saya, the NOL's Imperator. To prepare for the battles ahead, Jin began training with Jubei, one of the legendary Six Heroes.

Jin, along with Ragna and Noel, begin working with NOL defector Kagura Mutsuki and his allies in Sector Seven to overthrow the Imperator and right the wrongs she had created. In doing so, he manages to break the mind-control spell placed on Tsubaki and convince her to join their cause. Their plans fail however, leaving Jin critically wounded but alive.

To continue his mission, Jin accepted the help of another member of the Six Heroes, Trinity. In exchange for his help in stopping Terumi, Jin is transferred into a healthy body ready for combat. He succeeds in helping Ragna and Noel in slaying Terumi for good, but their memories of Ragna are stolen by him in order to correct the path of the BlazBlue universe. He has since returned to the NOL, where he serves the new Imperator Homura (the son of Lord Tenjo) along with Kagura and his assistant Hibiki.




"When I do battle like this, it brings me back to my high school days..."

Mitsuru used to be a member of the Gekkokuan High fencing club, which reflects in her fighting style. While skilled with a blade, she does not seem to use or favor a specific or special weapon. During the events of the Persona 4 Arena games, she is seen wielding a long, red rapier in battle.


"I command thee!"

 A Persona is the physical manifestation of one's inner self. These beings can become stronger not just through battle, but through finding one's resolve and pursuing their true selves. Should their inner strength prove strong enough, their Personas can evolve into more powerful forms with advanced skills.

Mitsuru's initial Persona was Penthesilea, named after Ares' daughter who became queen of the Amazons and participated in the Trojan War. She manifested this when her father was attacked by Shadows while on an expedition to the Shadows' source, Tartarus. Penthesilea has a disposition towards dealing magic damage, primarily through ice spells. Mitsuru also takes reduced damage from ice attacks and has access to status effect spells like Marin Karin, where enemies are charmed into helping her and attacking enemies, and healing spells. However, she is weak to fire spells, and using too many spells will exhaust Mitsuru both physically and mentally.

After Mitsuru was comforted by Yukari during their class field trip to Kyoto, Penthesilea evolved into Artemisia, named after a Greek queen who fought alongside the Persian King Xerxes during his conquest of Greece. She primarily has the same moves as Penthesilea, albeit upgraded and being immune to ice attacks as opposed to simply being resistant.

To summon a Persona, Mitsuru needs her Evoker, a gun-like device created by the Kirijo Group. Evokers are meant to replicate the feeling of death and stress needed to summon a Persona, although it is worth noting that Mitsuru (as of Persona 4 Arena) no longer needs to use an Evoker to summon Artemisia, at least for certain attacks - more powerful SP skills show her and Akihiko still taking them out.

As explained earlier, the one drawback of repeated use of Persona skills leaves Mitsuru tired and unable to use spells the more she uses them - represented in-game as Spirit Points. Personas can also be attacked, and when it takes too much damage, they disappear for a short time.



"Sword of ice... show me your true power!"

The Nox Nyctores Causality Weapons (or the Arch-Enemy Event Weapons) are a collection of 11 weapons forged to deal with the Black Beast, the monster that nearly destroyed the world. To use these weapons, a potential user must be talented with the use of Ars Magus, or using science to manipulate a magical element called Seithr. Even then, there is a risk of a great mental burden being placed on the user. Due to being partially magical in nature, these weapons can also damage a person's soul, and can bypass magical barriers, like when Jin destroyed a magic shield created by Nine the Phantom.

Jin's weapon, the Mucro Algesco (Ice Weapon): Yukianesa, was given to him by Saya as a child. It has cryokinetic abilities; being able to control water particles and freeze enemies with its blade. The ice is also said to be capable of destroying all types of life. However, it mentally strains Jin - he becomes more aloof and violent under it's influence, explaining his murderous vendettas against both Ragna and Noel, who resembles Saya. Later, Jin becoming one with Power of Order gave him the opportunity to remove himself from Yukianesa's negative influence and in turn, further his mastery of the weapon.

Also, while Seithr is limited in nature, this is not a concern because of Jin's unique biology. He, Ragna and Saya (and to an extent, her "clones" such as Noel, Lambda and Nu) are children of the 5th Prime Field Device, who had the ability to amplify Seithr to an apparently unlimited degree.

Power of Order

"I am the cold steel...the blade that will restore balance to this world!"

The Power of Order is the force behind stabilizing the world. Neither good nor evil in nature, it manifests to combat events that threaten to upend the natural balance; the bigger the imbalance, the more powerful this force becomes. 

Jin first became aware of this power when talking to Ragna during the events of Continuum Shift, allowing him to exert control over Yukianesa once more. His Power of Order was born to counter Ragna's Azure Grimoire and fated transformation into the Black Beast. Aside from the above benefits, those with the Power of Order are also immune to Event Interference, or reality-changing activities, as well as the Izayoi's Immortal Breaker, an instant-death attack done by implanting the idea of death into the target's mind.


Named after the legendary Japanese alloy of the same name, this massive sword was once wielded by Jubei during the battle against the Black Beast, and was succesfully used to injure it. Jin was given a copy by Trinity to use against Terumi.

This weapon's unique properties allow the user to cut through both bodies and souls, which Jin had used to strike Terumi and Ragna down, setting the final confrontation between the two. If the user utters its name, it can also transform into a giant claw as depicted above. The metal which comprises this weapon is also the same one which makes up the armor of the Murakumo units.

Notable Techniques


single handed sword

"No matter how many times you come at me, I will continue to strike you down... None shall stand in my way!"
  • Bufu: Deals ice damage on a selected foe. Multi-hitting (with the Ma- prefix) and stronger (with the -la and -dyne suffixes) cost more Spirit Points.
  • Tentrafoo: Forces the enemy into a state of confusion, which may cause them to attack themselves and their enemies. Only has a 25% chance of hitting.
  • Marin Karin/Sexy Dance: Forces the target into supporting Mitsuru by healing and buffing her while attacking their allies. Only has a 25% chance of hitting, as with Tentrafoo.
  • Angelic Grace: Increases evasion rate against all magical attacks.
  • Megidolaon: Deals a large amount of Almighty (non-physical, non-elemental) damage to all enemies.
  • Vorpal Blade: Deals a heavy slash attack; power is increased if user's condition is great.
  • Sharp Student: Lowers odds of being hit by a critical attack.
  • Spirit Drain: Steals a small amount of Spirit Points from the target.
  • Dia: Heals Mitsuru or a chosen party member. The more powerful variants (Diarama and Diarahan - the latter of which restores the target to full health) and multi-man ones (again, with the Ma- prefix) cost more Spirit Points.
  • Mind Charge: Increases the damage of the next magic attack with a 2.5 multiplier.
  • Ice Break: Removes the target's resistances to ice, if any.
  • Getsu-ei: Mitsuru's Furious Action; an anti-air crescent slash. She cannot be attacked while performing the move.
  • Coup Droit: A charging thrust attack.
  • Analysis: Can scan an enemy to find their weaknesses, resistances and stats.


Image result for jin blazblue gif

"You must really - really - want to die."
  • Reitou (Frost Bite): Jin's Drive attack. Can enhance attacks to freeze enemies on contact.
  • Zeitou (Frost End): Jin's Overdrive. Automatically makes every attack freeze the opponent and buffs his Distortion Drives while active - lower health extends the time it remains active. 
  • Hishouken (Flying Ice Sword): A projectile in the form of an ice sword. The Drive-enhanced version is called Hishougeki (Flying Ice Strike).
  • Fubuki (Blizzard): An anti-air sword slash.aimed 45-degrees upward.
  • Rehhyou (Violent Ice): A anti-air slash aimed directly into the air.
  • Musou Senshouzan (Crystal Slash): Jin rides a small ice projectile into the opponent before performing an overhead slash. The Drive-enhanced version is called Musou Tosshougeki (Freezing Crystal Strike).
  • Hirensou (Dual Ice Strike): An modified Drive attack consisting of an anti-air slash followed by a knockback strike.
  • Sekkajin (Snow Flower Strike): A rapid flurry of slashes and kicks. Can be followed up with Tsuika Kougeki, an additional attack based on Jin's Yukikaze Distortion Drive.
  • Hizansen (Ice Slashing Flash): A mid-air attack aimed at ground level opponents. The Drive-enhanced version is called Hizangeki (Ice Slashing Strike).

Super Moves (SP Skill Attacks/Distortion Drives)


Myriad Arrows

"You won't escape! Better luck next time!"

Mitsuru performs a series of rapid stabs followed by a kick that sends the opponent flying.


"Come forth! Feel the cold!"

The second most powerful single-target Ice spell in the Persona series. Mitsuru summons a large block of ice to attack.


"I will prevail!"

A variant of Bufudyne that hits multiple opponents. In Persona 4 Arena, Mitsuru has Artemisia create a group of ice projectiles and fires them, freezing the enemy and hitting them multiple times.


"The finale! It's time for the execution! Adieu!"

Mitsuru's Instant Kill and the most powerful Ice-based spell, based on the "executions" which made her a feared presence among her allies, as Akihiko can attest. Artemisia freezes the enemy in place for Mitsuru to end the battle in one strike.


Touga Hyoujin (Ice Fang)

"Arctic Daggers!"

Jin launches a wave of ice from Yukianesa.

Hiyoku Getsumei (Moonsong)

"Arrows of ice! Let everything freeze!"

Jin fires a group of ice arrows into the air.

Kokujin: Yukikaze (Empty Sky Form: Winter's Reposte)

"Without a trace... Empty Sky Form: Winter's Reposte!"

A counter-attack, where Jin retaliates with a quick-draw slash if hurt. Jin's alternate future-self, Hakumen, is also a user of this move.

Kokujin Ougi: Gekka Hyourou (Empty Sky True Form: Crystal Moonstorm)

Jin's Exceed Accel, which can only be performed in Overdrive. He slashes the enemy upwards, freezes them in mid-air and performs an aerial combo sending them back down.

Rengoku Hyouya (Arctic Dungeon)

"Freeze eternally! Too weak!"

Jin's Astral Heat. He stabs the ground, freezing the enemy if caught, and shatters them.



Image result for mitsuru kirijo gif

"I'll tell you the difference between you and me... It's my iron resolve!"


"Hero...? I don't give a damn about such vanity. I slash those whom I must... that is all."



"This can't be..."

Due to her Persona, Mitsuru is weak against fire attacks; being hit by anything of the sort can knock her down and cause disorientation. As much help as her Persona is in battle, repeated use of Artemisia's spells can exhaust her physically and mentally, and Artemisia being directly hurt causes all of that damage to reflect on Mitsuru's person as well, in addition to being locked out of using her Persona for a short amount of time.


Image result for jin kisaragi gif

"Am I still... not good enough...?"

Jin has tasted defeat several times in the past; most of which have come at the hands of his brother Ragna. His psychosis was also a problem of his; prior to the Power of Order, Jin was prone to mental breakdowns and mind manipulation. While it may not pose a problem for him now, he still tends to be overconfident, which can cause him to underestimate his opponent's strength.


Mitsuru Kirjio


"The execution queen, hm...? Not an honorable nickname by most perspectives, but it's not all bad. I will strike down all that stand in my way!"


  • Can heal and inflict status ailments.
  • Presence of Artemisia makes the fight a 2-on-1 scenario favoring her.
  • Can negate being frozen thanks to her Persona.
  • Analysis can point out Jin's stats, resistances and weaknesses.
  • Ice Break can remove Jin's resistance to ice, if any.
  • More level-headed and strategic.
  • Jin can't abuse her weakness to fire.


  • Jin has no major physical or elemental weaknesses for her to exploit.
  • Slower, less durable and less destructive.
  • Artemisia can be attacked, leaving Mitsuru temporarily unable to use Persona skills if she suffers too much damage.
  • Frequent use of Persona skills will exhaust her. Magic also has a finite amount, and she is heavily reliant on it to cause damage.
  • No defenses against her soul being damaged.
  • Status ailments only have a 25% chance of landing. Jin's willpower may also be strong enough to shrug it off.

Jin Kisaragi

"Get out of my sight... your dreams end here."


  • Outclasses Mitsuru in strength, speed and durability.
  • Has the better experience record as a solo combatant.
  • Has no noticeable weaknesses that Mitsuru can exploit.
  • Yukianesa can damage Mitsuru's soul.
  • More variability in the use of ice attacks.
  • Willpower is strong enough to shake off mental attacks, and can possibly resist being Panicked or Charmed.
  • Received better training under the guidance of Jubei.


  • Ice attacks may not have an effect on Mitsuru.
  • Cannot exploit Mitsuru's weakness to fire.
  • Less likely to form strategies and think things over because of his arrogance.
  • May not have resistance to ice attacks, ironically. If any exist, Mitsuru can remove it with Ice Break.
  • Handicapped due to the presence of Artemisia.
  • Less versatile in terms of skills and attacks outside of ice.
  • Has no way to recover during battle.


Just throwing this out there: I originally wanted to write a full-on fight for this; I even had this visually working in my head with sprites and all that. Then I remembered that I'm not the best at writing stories like that, so I guess I'll just stick with giving a straight verdict. That said, here are the songs I would have put in there:
I do want to apologize for how sloppy the bios get near the end, but if anyone is still a bit troubled by things on the BlazBlue end (since Persona's stuff is a lot more understandable) I'd like to redirect you to this here site: BlazBlue Explained.

That said, time to get the ball rolling with the stat trinity; all of which belong to Jin. How so?

In terms of speed, Mitsuru can dodge lightning spells as well as gunfire from firearm-wielding opponents like Takaya, Aigis and Naoto. However, Jin trumps that: not only does he fight opponents with similar attributes, but has one major feat which gives him the edge here: being able to react to a point-blank laser attack by the Gigant: Take-Mikazuchi, a giant Nox Nyctores with the power to destroy entire countries. 

Similarly, destructive capability and durability also go to Jin. Cutting down entire monoliths (note that Hakumen was weakened at the time) with a single sword strike, trading blows with country-busting satellites, soul-destroying older brothers and gods of death in primarily one-on-one battles and surviving attacks meant to kill individuals which logic cannot explain through sheer willpower put him above Mitsuru's level, although her battles and victories against the likes of the Nyx Avatar and Erebus - beings whose main purpose is bringing about the end of the world - make these areas a bit closer.

Time to turn our attention to their shared penchant for ice attacks. Thanks to Artemisia, none of Jin's ice attacks should freeze or hurt Mitsuru. On the flipside, Jin himself doesn't have any shown resistances to being frozen and even if he had, repeated use of Ice Break should remove them. Considering that a very large amount of Jin's attacks revolve around freezing people with his ice while Mitsuru is less of a one trick pony, this should lock him out of the vast majority of his move list and should be his death sentence; stat trinity be damned. 

However, Jin's ice still has a trick up its sleeve as Yukianesa, one of the Nox Nyctores, can directly damage a person's soul. Now that in and of itself is something Mitsuru definitely has no direct resistance too and at the very least will weaken and exhaust her a great deal. Speaking of exhaustion, repeated use of Persona skills will tax Mitsuru's stamina, meaning that she will quickly tire herself out if she continues to push herself as such. By comparison, Jin's biology means that he should theoretically have an infinite amount of seithr to perform his Drive attacks with.

To go back to the use of Persona skills, Mitsuru also has access to healing and status effect spells; if they hit, Jin can either be Charmed into not hitting Mitsuru, or Panicked into preventing the use of some of his more powerful attacks. Granted, that's only if they hit. Spells like Tentrafoo and Marin (FUCKING) Karin often fail, especially against more powerful enemies and Shadows. Even if they were 100% accurate, it's more than likely that Jin's willpower (further amplified through the Power of Order) would render such skills ineffective, seeing as he was able to break free of Yukianesa's influence on his emotions. At the very least, it'll leave him open for a short while before he comes to and continues the fight. On the flip side, Mitsuru can heal herself in battle whereas Jin cannot, but as explained, she can only continue to cast Dia spells on herself for so long.

Moving on to their respective weaknesses: Jin's movelist shows that he cannot exploit Mitsuru's weakness to fire attacks. He can, however, exploit Mitsuru and Artemisia's connection with each other. If he is able to land enough blows on Artemesia while she is active, Mitsuru will be locked out of performing skills until Artemesia recovers. On the other hand, Jin has no physical or elemental weaknesses that Mitsuru can exploit as well, even after performing Analysis. With his mental instability no longer a factor, the biggest weakness Jin has is his arrogance, which could cause him to underestimate Mitsuru from the beginning. Intelligence seems relatively even; after all, this is a fight between honor students.

Lastly, we go to training and experience. On Mitsuru's end, she's fought against Shadows the longest out of all the Persona 3/4-era protagonists - establishing S.E.E.S. and moving on to the Shadow Operatives, all while being self-taught at the very least; she's mentioned to be a member of her high school fencing team but not much else with regards to training. On Jin's end, his first task upon leaving the Military Academy was ending the Ikaruga Civil War, before embarking on his quests to meet Ragna and later topple Terumi and the Imperator, all while fighting a variety of powerful threats and later being trained by the legendary hero Jubei to harness the Power of Order. Both of them have toppled beings powerful to be considered gods (Nyx Avatar, Erebus, Take-Mikazuchi, Susanoo), but Jin's had more consistent showings in one-on-one situations, whereas Mitsuru's primarily fought alongside teammates who could compliment her strengths and weaknesses. 

So if I didn't make it clear enough, these should all lead up to a pretty decisive victory for Jin. He dominates the stat trinity, Yukianesa's soul hax overcomes Mitsuru's resistances to ice, his willpower can overcome Mitsuru's inconsistent status changes, can at least exploit the Persona Break to temporarily take out Artemesia and has a better battle record with more impressive feats and the training to back it up.

While Mitsuru had the potential to win, in the end - the possibly of her winning fell down to absolutely zero. (my pun endgame needs work) The winner is Jin Kisaragi.


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